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Discover how to use pre-designed 3D models to texturize them and animate them in 3D space in After Effects do elevate your motion design skills.

Introduction and Project Setup

Overview of Substance Painter's workflow, UI, and initial project setup, introducing the essentials for 3D texturing workflows.

Fundamentals of Applying Textures

Core texturing concepts including how to apply, manipulate, and visualize materials on 3D models using Painter's non- destructive layer workflow

Working with Custom Materials

Building and refining custom texture effects using masks, selections, and layer operations to get precise material placement on 3D models

Advanced Texturing Techniques

Creating complex details using procedural textures, projection options, and importing vector graphics from Adobe Illustrator

Final Steps and Exporting

Notes on preparing and optimizing textures for use in After Effects and various 3D applications, including resolution management, export options, and techniques for optimizing textures

Exporting Animated GLB files from Cinema 4D for After Effects

Learn how to export animated GLB files from Cinema 4D and seamlessly integrate them into After Effects. You’ll learn how to export it as a GLB file and importing it into After Effects.

Getting Started with 3D in After Effects

Get familiar with the 3D tools in After Effects.

Navigation and Workspace Basics

Learn how to move around the After Effects interface, add cameras, and leverage viewports to manage 3D scenes.

Object Manipulation

Build and refine custom texture effects using masks, selections, and layer operations to get precise material placement on 3D models.

Advanced Texturing Techniques

Learn the techniques for placing and arranging 3D models in space, parenting and animating with keyframes. You’ll also learn how to apply effects to 3D layers and working with animated models.

Lighting in 3D

Understand and control lighting to enhance 3D scenes.

Shadows and Realism

Explore techniques for grounding 3D objects in a scene with realistic shadows.

Advanced 3D Workflows

Learn how to combine 3D with real-world footage and managing complex projects.

Working with Tracked Footage

Explore techniques for integrating 3D elements with video by using motion tracking.

Screen Replacement

Learn how to replace screens in footage with custom content, blending it naturally into the scene using compositing tools.

Creating DOF (Depth of Field) effects

Learn how to simulate realistic depth of field in a 3D composition, adding a cinematic blur to foreground or background elements for enhanced visual focus.

Join the team at Cantina Creative in a course to high-end compositing techniques used in film, television, and commercial productions. Known for their work on blockbuster franchises, Cantina Creative specializes in integrating CGI elements, motion graphics, and live-action footage to create seamless, visually stunning compositions.

Composting graphics on a phone service

Tony Lupoi demonstrates compositing phone graphics in After Effects, covering grain removal, marker cleanup, and keying. He uses Mocha AE for planar tracking to accurately place graphics, then adds depth of field, color correction, and reflections before final QC.

Intro & Tutorial Overview

Aaron Eaton demonstrates a variety of techniques and tricks to composite a shot from start to finish without leaving After Effects. This chapter kicks off with the tutorial overview of what is covered in this two-hour course.

Setting Up Your Workspace

Learn how to set up your composition for the correct specs and organization.

3D Tracking Overview

Learn how to quickly set up the shot with 3D Tracking using After Effects 3D Camera Tracker. You’ll also learn how to set up nulls, ground plans and solids to help with image placement.

Roto Overview

Learn how to use Mocha for your roto work to track smaller pieces in your composition.

Set Extension

Learn how to pre-comp to make your composition more organized and add videos created in Adobe Firefly to make a simulated background. You’ll also learn how to refine areas of your comp to make them look more natural in their environment.

Compositing Monitor Graphics

Learn how to place graphics into monitors and how to address aliasing issues to make them look more natural on the surface. You’ll also learn how to utilize camera blur effects and depth maps for realistic output.

Compositing CG Elements

See how you can apply CG elements, shadows and other effects for adding realism to your composition. You’ll also be adding 3D elements to learn how to use the 3D tools in After Effects.

Adding the Newscaster Element

Learn how to import video clips into your composite and apply additional elements within clips for added realism.


Apply atmospheric elements (light, haze, dust) with various presets and effects that add a unique moodiness to your composite.

Coffee Steam Simulation

Add believable elements to a composite to add more real-world aspects to the scene.

Adding Subtle Lens FX

Apply some finishing touches to your composite to add a little something extra for real-world composite.

Generating a Custom Grain Pass

How to use generate grain that matches the original plate to use to regrain paintwork or graphics that are currently grainless.


Learn how best to set up the Render Queue for your composition.

Earn your Adobe After Effects certification

Validate your knowledge of Adobe After Effects. Adobe recommends 150 hours of instruction and hands-on experience to become an Adobe Certified Professional. Adobe worked with creative industry experts and test design specialists at Certiport to identify the skills and concepts critical to using After Effects in a professional context.

Test your knowledge today.

After Effects Classroom in a Book

Learn at your own pace.

Adobe After Effects Classroom in a Book contains 15 lessons that use real-world, project-based learning to cover the basics and beyond, providing countless tips and techniques to help you become more productive with the program. For beginners and experienced users alike, you can follow the book from start to finish or choose only those lessons that interest you

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